Freediving comes to Turks and Caicos
What is freediving? That sounds like anyone can just go and drive without paying. But freediving is an "out of body" experience that provides people the opportunity to look beneath the surface without Scuba equipment. The true definition of freediving is to take a single breath and swim as deep as you possibly can. This single breath is the environmentally friendly cost efficient way to see the ocean. Before you need air and must return to the surface again. To freediving although it sounds as though anyone could do it is reserved for those who are trained and tested. This experience is considered to be relaxing and liberating from everything on the surface. Those who have done it before say there is no way to explain it. Just try and you'll see why we keep coming back. The revolutionary new experience is being introducing to the Turks and Caicos Islands hoping to give people the opportunity to see its ocean floor.